
Labyrinth 9thDoctorXOC

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Literature Text

The Doctor flashed his psychic paper to the man who let the three of us through.
“What did it say?” I asked. He looked and smiled. “Doctor? By the way, where are we?”
“Elstree Studios.” My eyes widened.
“The Elstree studios? They filmed so many amazing movies here, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, oh and the Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr., great actor.” Rose looked lost. “Oh that last one hasn’t come out yet. Wait, what year is it?” He grinned at me.
“1986.” I cried out in joy, jumping up and down while clutching his arm.
“What’s so great about this year?” I stopped, looking at Rose like she had shot me.
“Watch it Rose, she might cry.” The Doctor teased. “To answer your earlier question, Rose and I are extras and you dear Katherine, you are a personal assistant.”
“Oh please tell me it isn’t for Jennifer Connelly!” He shook his head. “Toby?” Another head shake. I started jumping again.
“Now don’t do anything weird like lick him.” He held me still and glanced behind me with another smirk. I turned to see my new boss.
“Just one taste?” I pleaded. The Doctor gave me a stern but amused look. “Okay, fine, I won’t lick him...if I can help it.” I laughed and took off.
“Be careful!” He called behind me. I could hear Rose ask about why I was so excited.
“Mr. Bowie? Or do you prefer Jones?” I asked cautiously to the man in front of me. He turned and I nearly had a heart attack. “I-I’m your personal assistant.”
“Bowie is fine.” He smiled.
“Wonderful. Now, if you don’t mind, and I’m sure you get this alot, but you are my favorite musician in the universe!” I had to make sure I didn’t say a song that hasn’t come out yet. “Heroes is my favourite song, oh but they are all amazing! Aladdin Sane, Never Let Me Down, Ziggy Stardust, oh and Under Pressure with Queen, simply the best. And I also love the King Bees. Liza Jane, brilliant.” We walked to his dressing room.
“I’m glad you enjoy my music, Miss?”
“Oh right! Sorry, Katherine Boudreaux. You can call me Katherine if you’d like.” I held the door for him.
“Katherine, thank you.” He sat down and looked over the scripts. I noticed a piece of paper with lyrics scribbled all over it. I recognized the words. Oh my god it’s As the World Falls Down! “Katherine? Can you help me with something?” Mr. Bowie handed me his script.
“That’s what I’m here for.” I smiled.
“Could you read for Sarah? This scene is giving me a bit of trouble.” I read over the scene. It was the final battle between Sarah and Jareth. He pointed to a line. “Start here. Do you know the story?” I nodded vigorously. He gave me the go ahead to start.
“Give me the child.”
“Sarah, beware. I have been generous, up until now. But I can be cruel.”
“Generous? What have you done that's generous?” I scoffed as she would.
“Everything! Everything that you wanted, I have done! You asked that the child be taken - I took him. You cowered before me - I was frightening. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me. Isn't that generous?” Internally I was freaking out.
“Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered... I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city... For my will is as strong as yours... and my kin-”
“Stop! Wait. Look, Sarah, look what I'm offering. Your dreams!”
“And my kingdom as great…”
“I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.”
“Kingdom as great... ... damn... I can never remember that line.”
“Just fear me - love me - do as I say, and I will be your slave!”
“My kingdom as great... my kingdom as great…” The Doctor and Rose burst in just as I was about to finish the line.
“Katherine, take David Bowie and run!” The Doctor ordered.
“Now?” I whined.
“Yes now! Get to the Tardis!” I grabbed Bowie’s hand and started to run after the two in front of me.
“What is after us?” I called to them.
“Dreixepsa. It’s a shapeshifter who was hiding out to find a nice snack.” He explained as we all ran into the Tardis. I let go of Bowie and ran over to the Doctor. There was a large gash on his cheek.
“Doctor, you’re hurt.” I gently wiped the blood away with my sleeve.
“Can anyone explain what the hell is happening?” Bowie asked irritated. The Doctor, Rose, and I shared glances. “Katherine, what is this place?”
“This…” The Doctor nodded. “This is a space-time machine. Rose and I are from the future. 2015 and like I said, big fan. That idiot there is going to save our lives. Any questions?” He shook his head, looking rather calm.
“I knew you were strange. When you were listing my songs you mentioned one I didn’t know.”
“Yes, well that and I wanted to tell you that Labyrinth is my favorite movie of all times and forever.”
“Katherine, is now really the time to do that?” I sighed. “Now, lets think of a plan. The Dreixepsa are giant slug creatures with barbed tails.”
“What if we salt it?” I suggested.
“Yeah, it would dehydrate it!” Rose backed me up. I ran to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets until I found a bucket of rock salt and ran back to the others.
“Katherine that’s fantastic! Now, all we need is a distraction.” As he said that I left the Tardis, throwing a rock at the slug thing.
“Over here you giant worm!” The beast turned to me and started after me. As I ran I sang to keep it’s attention. “How you turn my world you precious thing!”
“Lead it towards the stairs!” The Doctor called, racing to climb atop the building. It got right under the ledge and the Doctor dumped the salt on it. The thing screamed as it shriveled and eventually died.
“I, I can’t live within you.” I finished the song, panting, falling on my butt to rest. Rose ran over to check on me.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Just out of breath.” She helped me to stand again and we headed back to the Tardis.
“Katherine!” The Doctor pulled me into a tight hug. “Are you crazy? Don’t ever run off like that again!” I pulled away and patted his cheek.
“Okay.” Bowie walked over to me and the Doctor went inside the Tardis.
“He’s amazing!” I smiled at my idol.
“Yeah, yeah he is.”
“There’s such a sad love, deep in your eyes.” He smiled sadly.
“A kind of pale jewel, open and close within my eyes?” We laughed. “We have to go now but it’s been a real honor meeting my hero. Oh, and you can’t tell anyone about any of this.”
“Of course. Good luck with him. Don’t let that man slip away.” I stepped inside the door.
“I’ll try my best.” I waved goodbye and closed the doors. The Tardis dematerialized and I cried out in anger.
“What’s wrong?” Rose exclaimed at my outburst.
“I forgot to get him to sign my stuff!”
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