
Rescued OCX9th doctor

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Darthkitty24's avatar

Literature Text

Cold. Cold and alone, broken, left in the snow like an unwanted toy. Of course thats what he wanted, a plaything with a one time use, discarded in an barren alleyway once he grew bored. Clothes torn to shreds with a swift flick of his knife, dignity stolen.

I lay unmoving on the ground, snow falling and covering me in a cruel blanket. No one was around to help, no, they were all nestled safely in their homes. Wait, those were footsteps! Someone is coming!

“So mum went to make tea for him but…” It was a female but it sounded as if someone else was with her. I tried to focus on her voice but I was fading in and out of consciousness. I needed to somehow make my presence known. I attempted to lift my head but the motion caused pain to shoot through my body and I fell back with a whimper of helplessness. I couldn’t even move my left arm.

“Wait, did you hear that?” A man spoke up, cutting of the female. I shut my eyes to cope with the pain as the two people ran over.

“Is she dead?” The female asked, standing to my right. The man, I assumed, knelt to my left and picked up my wrist, feeling for my pulse. I opened my eyes at his touch, glancing the best I could as I couldn’t move my head. He looked down at me and let a small grin cross his lips.

“No, I think she’s alright.” I took in this man's appearance from his short brown hair and big ears to the black leather jacket he was currently fiddling with.

“Doctor,” We looked to his female companion. She was blonde with full lips and a sweatshirt. “She’s naked. Was she…” She couldn’t bring herself to say it, instead took to glancing up and down my body. Something warm was draped across my torso, the man she called the Doctor had laid his jacket on me. His face was cold, I could see the anger in his eyes. He noticed my gaze and let his face soften once more.

“Let’s get you to the Tardis. Rose can clean you up.” The Doctor slid his arms under me and lifted me to his chest. I gave a hiss as the pain came back, my left arm hanging limp. “And I can fix that right up.” He began to walk as gentle as he could, the blonde, Rose, followed. It was a short five minute walk before he stopped in front of big blue police box. Rose went ahead of him and pushed open the door and we entered what appeared to be a large control room of sorts. We continued on through a door on the far side, down a hallway past many doors. Rose entered one and I could hear the sound of a bath being drawn. The Doctor joined her inside the bathroom.

“Here we are love, nice hot bath to wash off in.” Rose smiled to me.

“Take my jacket.” She removed his coat from my body and he lowered me into the tub, cradling my neck when he layed my head back. “When you're done come get me and we’ll get her dressed and take a look at her cheek and arm.” The Doctor ordered Rose and left. She was silent for a minute before gathering some soaps and sponges.

“Alright this might sting when the soap hits any cuts.” She took care to softly sponge the blood and other unspeakable liquids from my thighs. I could see the tears in her eyes as she thought about my situation. Once that area was clean she pulled herself together and worked on my arms and legs. “My names Rose, and that man is called the Doctor. You got a name?” I nodded slightly and tried to speak. The words got stuck in my throat but wouldn’t come out. I glanced up in a panic. She continued to bathe me until she deemed me clean then went to get the Doctor. Why couldn't I talk?

"Don't worry, it's probably just stress." The Doctor said as he walked into the bathroom. Rose grabbed a few fluffy white towels and they went to work getting me dry and clothed. He had gotten me a change of clothes while Rose was bathing me. I looked up to thank him but again no sounds came. "You're welcome." He winked and helped me to stand on my own. I had to lean on him to get to our next destination, a medical room, where he sat me on the exam table. He touched my right cheek.

"Anything I can do?" Rose stood at the door and watched the Doctor work. He shook his head at her as he gathered up a needle and medical thread.

"This is going to hurt. It's a deep gash, I have to stitch it." I braced myself for the pain, whimpering as the needle went in and out of my skin. "Now for the shoulder. Lie back. Rose hold her down." She ran over and held my shoulders to the table. There was no bracing the pain that followed. A loud crack echoed in my ears as he put my shoulder back in place, tears of pain sliding down my face. I yelped but then became silent after it was over. I felt instantly exhausted, barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Come on, let's get you to a bed so you can rest." Rose helped me down and led me to an empty bedroom. She pulled the covers over my legs. "Do you need anything?" I nodded and made a motion like writing. She left and returned with a notepad and a pen. I quickly wrote my name and a quick thank you to both her and the Doctor, and a smiley face before I handed it back. Rose read the page, smiled, and left me to rest.

The next morning I was awakened by the smell of oatmeal. There was a tray on the nightstand with a small bowl and a glass of juice. I quickly ate as it felt I hadn't eaten in ages. After eating I slowly stood and went to find the console room.

"Ah good morning Katherine." I turned to see the Doctor a little ways down the hall. He smiled at me and led me to the console room. "Sit and I will answer any questions you may have." He handed me the notepad from last night so I may communicate.

'What is this place?'

"This is the Tardis, or the Time and Relative Dimension in Space." He answered as he played with the buttons on the round controls.

'So like a time/space ship?' The Doctor nodded. 'And you're a time traveler?' I raised my brow in scepticism of his claim.

"Well, I'm a Time Lord." We locked eyes, both of us smiling at each other only guessing the adventures the other was thinking of. "Now, can I ask you a few things?" I nodded.

'Of course.'

"So Katherine, where are you from?"

'New Orleans, LA.'

"Ah so you're American. What were you doing in London?" Rose walked in and sat beside me as I wrote the explanation.

'I was having myself a celebratory trip after exams. I am a grad student at the university of Aberdeen going for my PhD in Zoology. Anything else?' The two read my brief background. They looked at each other in surprise.

"How old are you?" Rose asked in a loud voice.


"You look so much younger." She said. I smiled in gratitude. She looked over at the Doctor with a strange look. They appeared to be having a silent conversation. I sat there awkwardly awaiting their acknowledgement. Rose and the Doctor turned to me at the same time.

"Would you like to come with us?"
the first of a little series of oneshots i plan on doing with this oc
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TheConsultingAuthor's avatar
Umm, just to make sure. Had the ic been um... How do I put this....... 'Sexually assaulted'?